AOSL - Africa Oilfield Services Ltd.
AOSL stands for Africa Oilfield Services Ltd.
Here you will find, what does AOSL stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Africa Oilfield Services Ltd.? Africa Oilfield Services Ltd. can be abbreviated as AOSL What does AOSL stand for? AOSL stands for Africa Oilfield Services Ltd.. What does Africa Oilfield Services Ltd. mean?The Ghana based company is located in Accra, Greater Accra engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of AOSL
- Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited
- authorized organizational stockage list
- Asian Oilfield Services Limited
- Anchor Offshore Services Limited
- Accent On Security Ltd
- Axiom Oilfield Solutions Ltd.
- Arbor Oaks Senior Living
View 14 other definitions of AOSL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- AFTPL Access Frontier Technologies Pte Ltd
- AWPL Agnew Wines Pty Ltd
- ATI Absolute Title Inc.
- ASL Addison Saws Ltd
- AEB Ace Electronics Belgium
- AR The Architectural Review
- AACI Ace Audio Communications Inc.
- AAPT American Academy of Personal Training
- ATCN Andy Thomas Careers Now
- AAPL Agatha Asia Pacific Ltd
- ARMC Alan Ross Machinery Corp.
- AACS American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
- ASE American Spirits Exchange
- ACL Anton Capital Ltd
- AFAP Australian Federation of Air Pilots
- AORG Atlantic One Realty Group